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  • DJTommyP

Sequoias to Sierras...Oh My

Updated: 4 days ago

As I tell my skeptics, if you were to show me a masterpiece painting or the most beautiful video game ever produced and then proceed to tell me that it just happened...that nobody made it, I would ask you what you are smoking. That is, in essence, what you skeptics tell me about the most beautiful places this earth has to offer.

They just happened by accident?!

Have you ever witnessed an explosion? It is utter chaos. I've never seen a masterpiece come out of an explosion. You? I see destruction. I'm not saying the Big Bang didn't happen. If it happened, I am saying that it happened with design. "In the beginning, was the heavens and the earth." Gen 1.

That tree would be General Sherman. One of the oldest and largest trees in the world. Check out how small those people look standing next to it. Absolutely awe inspiring. How old? Older than Jesus Christ. Correct, that tree pre-dates your calendar of 2,024 years and counting. You can find these trees in the Sequoia National Park in California.

When is the last time you read Genesis? Never? Will you dare read it? I challenge you to read it and check the order of things. Ironically, it does line up with science...the order. Timeline, okay, good point. Yet I will ask you what is a day to God? I once heard a day in heaven is the equivalent to the amount of earth days that it would take a bird to ground flat Mount Everest. We are like ant brains trying to figure out the Internet. How else do could one explain eternity/infinity? Try traveling across the universe. That will give you an idea.

Junior Bear looking for some snacks nearby the General Sherman tree...Sequoia National Park (CA, USA)

The skeptic will say, ok, but you can't show me God. I'll reply, you are correct. I can't show you God yet I can show you his creations. Going full circle, they just happened? How about this? Can a code exist with out a coder? Think of any app that runs on your phone. In 2024, the average iPhone app has 50,000 lines of code. Show you a code in the natural world? DNA. Everybody (including that bear above) is defined by DNA. About 3300 billion lines of code per human being.

Tunnel View: El Capitan on the left. Half Dome on the distant right. Absolutely stunning! Yosemite National Park (CA, USA)

Could you paint a better painting? Yosemite is a very, very special place indeed. About 3.5 million visitors annually. There used to be over 4 million until park management wisely started limiting volumes to help protect it. If you want to visit, you will need to book an entry permit. You can learn more here...

Glen Alpine Falls, one of 63 streams that feeds into Lake Tahoe (South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA). Did you know that Lake Tahoe is one of the deepest lakes in the world? 1,645 feet deep! Making it the second deepest lake in the United States.

Just like in life, we take those streams and rivers for granted. Just like we take our bodies for granted. Ask just about any biologist and they will say the human body and the earth's ecosystem for that matter are miracles. How they operate and can work in harmony is amazing. Who can screw them up? We humans and our selfish actions.

The shore of South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA

Good times in South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA. This video gives you a better idea of the sheer size of Lake Tahoe.

Check out those colors! All by accident or crafted by a master designer? Sunset, South Lake Tahoe, CA, USA

Twilight, Mammoth Lakes, CA, USA. Have you ever seen so many stars? Do you take them for granted? Ever ponder how far that light traveled to get to you? Do you love science? If you do, then you know that science is a process. Once upon a time, science thought there were 100 stars...then 1, more stars than there are grains of sand by the seashore!

"Therefore from one man, and him as good as dead, were born descendants as many as the stars of heaven and as many as the innumerable grains of sand by the seashore"

Hebrews 11:12

Wild Willy's Hot Springs, Mammoth Lakes Area, CA, USA

God even made natural mineral hot springs for us to enjoy. Let's put it this way, Wild Willy didn't make them. He may have found them. This one was a perfect 105F among a chill 65F morning surrounded by gorgeous mountains.

You still may be on the accident side. Okay, I tried. You are not alone. In fact, I would say you are in the majority. I'm in the minority. Someday, we will find out for sure...when we leave this broken planet that we broke.

But blessed are your eyes for they see, and your ears for they hear; for assuredly, I say to you that many prophets and righteous men desired to see what you see, and did not see it, and to hear what you hear, and did not hear it.

Matthew 13:16-17 New King James Version (NKJV)

If you did dig this, thank you! If worthy, please share it? You can also click here for the audio version with bonus highlights. If you really liked and dig nature, check out... Deep Hikes: An Adventure to Fortify Faith and the Driest of Conditions


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