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Whether you are in business or not, you can definitely benefit from KPI's (key performance indicators) and MBO's (management by objectives). If you are coasting in areas of your life, you are going downhill. That is what we tackle in this latest episode. How's your Faith? Married? Stronger than you have ever been? Health? Family? So you have room for improvement; welcome to the club.

  • Yes! You are in! KPI's and MBO's? Yes, we discuss them. If you don't know what they are, you will learn. ThursDudes are back on this one and 'Grant the Guide' helps lead the way. Just click here for the latest power sesh.

  • Thanks for checking in. Whether you learned something new or not, I hope you got something out of this one. If you know someone else that is looking to step their game of life up, will you share this with them? We are in the hope and encouragement business. We build each other up around you. 1 The 5:11

  • If you would like more information or free access to, hit us up at the 'Contact Us' page at

  • Ending on a prayer note, Heavenly Father, thank you for this listener. They are not here by accident. You wired them with a purpose. You tell us that we will give account for our life someday. Just like a vehicle has a dashboard to tell us what's going on. Why shouldn't we do the same with our lives? Well, you see it all anyway. Some of us need to better see it. You wired us to help hold each other accountable and to encourage and build each other up via Christ. Speaking of Christ, thank you for Romans 8:1. Despite our past flaws and those that may show up on a dashboard, thank you that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus. You gifted us with Life. We are still here on this broken planet. So may we best build each other up and live out Christ's last words in Matthew in all nations (from Germany to Japan to the Philippines to the Americas and everywhere in between). Father, thank you for reminding us that we matter and wherever this listen is, their mission field is right there. Now, may we go, shine Light, hope, encouragement and love in the name of your son and our savior Jesus Christ. Amen



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