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  • DJTommyP

Do You Impact like Mike?

If you are old enough, no not 'that' Mike? The more down-to-earth one that impacted the hearts of his small group like Bold Brian and countless others in his family and circles. When you share the idea of a small group it is weird to most. Getting up at 5AMish to get somewhere by 6AMish to talk God/Deep/Life Best Practices is weird for this world. Then you hear Bold Brian talk about Mike. How they trained together for 25+years for life's ups and downs. 10-15 guys rallying for one another and their families in time of need. Then you realize...that is genius! That makes total sense. The world tells you to worry about yourself. Jesus says to love God and then love others. Selfish or selfless? How do you want to be remembered?

If you haven't heard the podcast tribute to Mike, click here.

If your kids have been on your nerves lately, click on "Why You Invest Time with your Kid(s)".

If you been in a funk or feel frustration building, reflect on "Hate is a Choice"

Of course, if you know anybody that could use a lift with above. Please share with that loved one and use the tools to better build a bridge/shine some Light.


Of course, if you know anybody that could use a lift with above. Please share with that loved one and use the tools to better build a bridge/shine some Light.


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