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Stronger: Incremental Growth

Updated: Nov 7, 2022

  • Yes! You are in! Do you want most things instantly like me? Yay, I'm not alone. Truth, most things worthy take a longer time to achieve or overcome...incremental growth. That's what we tackle on this here for the listen/podcast episode, see below for the video...

Brospehs, Sistas and Dudeskis, sometimes your jobs and calling match. For some, you don't have jobs yet make no mistake, your calling remains until the day you die...and beyond. For others, your job is your center and often overtakes your calling. Someday, you will give your Heavenly Father an account of your life...Rom 14:12. God gifted you with strengths. Are you maximizing them for Him?

Hey, we all have room for improvement...Rom 3:23. This is not a guilt check. It's a fact check. It is why we should not forsake gathering and encouraging one another...Heb 10:25. Do you recall the parable about the talents of silver and the one that just hid it for fear of losing it? Matt 25: 14-30. Many think it's just about how you manage money. Oh contrair monfraire, think about how you leverage your talents and strengths for the Lord. Did you multiply his Kingdom while you were here? If this tugs on the heart. Here is a great 5 minute video to further encourage your calling...

Planning and Riding the Most Important Waves of Your Life


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