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  • DJTommyP

Who Is Trying to Steal Your Identity?

Updated: Oct 7, 2020

  • Whether you want to believe it or not, everyday, someone is trying to steal your identity. Some of you are feeling pretty good and cocky. Some of you are feeling lost and hopeless. Most of you are somewhere in between. Every single one of you has someone or something trying to breach your personal firewall and bring you down. Ironically, it may be you. You could very well be your worst critic.

  • So, who are you making priority #1 that defines your identity? Daniel was clear on where he tuned in and who he put first. You putting your faith into flawed people or the one that promises a life free of condemnation?

  • Now as a humble reminder. Just like your phone or app, your relationship with someone is determined in frequency and meaning of contact. Keep praying each day. Move God up to hopefully #1 on your contact list. Read the Word and Truth, if you haven't started already, start in John. Let the Truth set you Free

  • Getting deep and calling an audible. We are going to open with a 'Play of the Day', this is Rick Warren from Daily Hope, Don't Let Anyone Steal Your Identity, published 9/25/20, this is from minute 13:30 - 15:45. Just click HERE for the latest podcast that addresses above and below.

  • Word! You looking for a group, hit is up at 'Contact Us' page. Tell us what you need. Skeptics, we will also challenge you to give us your toughest questions. You can also do that at or email Casey direct at

  • If you are not sure, here is my simple recommendation. God, if you are real, will you show me? Hearing Casey I understand it is usually much more than just raising my hand. If I keep tuning into your Word, will you show me how things pop like they do to Casey and others. Jesus, I want that life free of condemnation as promised in Romans 8:1. I choose you and your gift of eternal life. Amen

  • Ending on a song note, okay, okay, I'm going to veer off hip hop...for a least one song. This is 'Run at the Giant' by Jack Cassidy. Absolutely fits in with the testimony of Daniel. Now go, make Jesus your #1 validation of who you are, hope works, hopelessness sucks, keep tuning in...


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